Please help us fix SumatraPDF crashes.
If you have a reproducible crash:
- download symbols:
- menu:
/ Download Symbols
Ctrl + K
for command palette and Debug: Download Symbols
- trigger the crash
- when you see crash dialog, press
to launch default text editor with crash report
- post the content of the crash log as a gist at For example:
to select all text, Ctrl-C
to copy it to a clipboard and then Ctrl-V
to the gist
- create a bug report at
- post a link to the gist in the bug report
- include the file that caused the crash
- attach to the GitHub issue (put in a .zip file if file type is not accepted)
- or, if the file is private, e-mail to (and reference bug number)
- I can’t stress it enough: if I can’t reproduce a crash myself, I might not be able to fix it
- provide additional information like:
- what were you doing when the crash happened
- when did the crash happen. When opening a file? changing view? etc.
- how did you open the file? drag & drop on Sumatra window? Double-click in file manager? From command line?
- the best information is a set of steps I can do to reproduce the crash