Supported document formats
SumatraPDF reader supports the following document types:
- PDF (.pdf)
- eBook formats:
- unencrypted EPUB (.epub)
- MOBI (.mobi and un-encrypted .azw)
- FictionBook (.fb2, .fb2z, .zfb2)
- .pdb (Palm DOC format)
- .tcr
- comic book files: .cbz, .cbr, .cbt, .cb7
- archive files (.7z, .rar, .tar, .zip) with images
- DjVu (.djv, .djvu)
- Microsoft Compiled HTML Html (.chm)
- XPS (.xps, .oxps, .xod);
- images (.jpg, .png,.gif, .webp, .tiff, tga, .j2k, .bmp, .dib)
- HEIF (if codec installed, see below)
Ghostscript is installed, we support PostScript (.ps, .eps) and PJL (Printer Job Language) files.
HEIF support #
Ver 3.4+: SumatraPDF can open
HEIF images but only if Windows has a codec for the format.
You can use one of those codecs: