You can control SumatraPDF with commands:

Find command:

Command IDs Keyboard shortcuts Command Palette

File #

Command IDs Keyboard shortcuts Command Palette Notes
CmdClose Ctrl + W, Ctrl + F4 Close Document
CmdCloseCurrentDocument q Close Current Document
CmdCommandPalette Ctrl + K Command Palette
CmdDuplicateInNewWindow Shift + Ctrl + N Open Current Document In New Window
CmdExit Ctrl + Q Exit Application
CmdMoveFrameFocus F6 Move Frame Focus
CmdNewWindow Ctrl + N Open New SumatraPDF Window
CmdOpenFile Ctrl + O Open File...
CmdOpenNextFileInFolder Shift + Ctrl + Right Open Next File In Folder
CmdOpenPrevFileInFolder Shift + Ctrl + Left Open Previous File In Folder
CmdOpenSelectedDocument Open Selected Document
CmdPinSelectedDocument Pin Selected Document
CmdPrint Ctrl + P Print Document...
CmdProperties Ctrl + D Show Document Properties...
CmdReloadDocument r Reload Document
CmdRenameFile F2 Rename File...
CmdReopenLastClosedFile Shift + Ctrl + T Reopen Last Closed
CmdSaveAs Ctrl + S Save File As...
CmdToggleCursorPosition m Toggle Cursor Position
CmdShowInFolder Show File In Folder...
CmdToggleBookmarks Shift + F12, F12 Toggle Bookmarks
CmdToggleTableOfContents Toggle Table Of Contents ver 3.6+
CmdCollapseAll Collapse All
CmdExpandAll Expand All
CmdOpenEmbeddedPDF Open Embedded PDF
CmdSaveEmbeddedFile Save Embedded File...
CmdCreateShortcutToFile Create .lnk Shortcut
CmdSelectAll Ctrl + A Select All
CmdCopyComment Copy Comment
CmdCopyImage Copy Image
CmdCopyLinkTarget Copy Link Target
CmdCopySelection Ctrl + C, Ctrl + Insert Copy Selection
CmdCopyFilePath Copy File Path ver 3.5+
CmdDeleteFile Delete Currently Opened File ver 3.6+
Command IDs Keyboard shortcuts Command Palette
CmdFindFirst Ctrl + F Find
CmdFindMatch Find: Match Case
CmdFindNext F3 Find Next
CmdFindNextSel Ctrl + F3 Find Next Selection
CmdFindPrev Shift + F3 Find Previous
CmdFindPrevSel Shift + Ctrl + F3 Find Previous Selection

Viewing #

Command IDs Keyboard shortcuts Command Palette Notes
CmdBookView Ctrl + 8 Book View
CmdFacingView Ctrl + 7 Facing View
CmdInvertColors i Invert Colors
CmdRotateLeft [, Shift + Ctrl + Subtract Rotate Left
CmdRotateRight ], Shift + Ctrl + Add Rotate Right
CmdSinglePageView Ctrl + 6 Single Page View
CmdToggleContinuousView c Toggle Continuous View
CmdToggleFullscreen f, Shift + Ctrl + L, F11 Toggle Fullscreen
CmdToggleMangaMode Toggle Manga Mode
CmdToggleMenuBar F9 Toggle Menu Bar
CmdTogglePageInfo Shift + i Show / Hide Current Page Number
CmdToggleScrollbars Toggle Scrollbars
CmdToggleToolbar F8 Toggle Toolbar
CmdToggleFrequentlyRead Toggle Frequently Read ver 3.5+
CmdSelectNextTheme Select Next Theme ver 3.5+
CmdToggleLinks Toggle Show Links Toggle drawing blue rectangle around links

Tabs #

Command IDs Keyboard shortcuts Command Palette Notes
CmdCloseAllTabs Close All Tabs ver 3.6+
CmdCloseTabsToTheLeft Close Tabs To The Left ver 3.6+
CmdCloseTabsToTheRight Close Tabs To The Right ver 3.6+
CmdCloseOtherTabs Close Other Tabs ver 3.6+
CmdNextTab Ctrl + PageUp Next Tab
CmdPrevTab Ctrl + PageDown Previous Tab
CmdMoveTabRight Ctrl + Shift + PageUp Move Tab Right ver 3.6+
CmdMoveTabLeft Ctrl + Shift + PageDown Move Tab Left ver 3.6+
CmdNextTabSmart Ctrl + Tab Smart tab Switch ver 3.6+
CmdPrevTabSmart Ctrl + Shift + Tab Smart tab Switch ver 3.6+
Command IDs Keyboard shortcuts Command Palette
CmdScrollUp k, Up Scroll Up
CmdScrollDown j, Down Scroll Down
CmdScrollLeft h, Left Scroll Left
CmdScrollRight l, Right Scroll Right
CmdScrollUpHalfPage Shift + Up Scroll Up By Half Page
CmdScrollDownHalfPage Shift + Down Scroll Down By Half Page
CmdScrollUpPage Ctrl + Up, PageUp, Shift + Return, Shift + Space Scroll Up By Page
CmdScrollDownPage Ctrl + Down, PageDown, Return, Space Scroll Down By Page
CmdScrollLeftPage Shift + Left Scroll Left By Page
CmdScrollRightPage Shift + Right Scroll Right By Page
CmdGoToFirstPage Ctrl + Home, Home First Page
CmdGoToLastPage Ctrl + End, End Last Page
CmdGoToPrevPage p Previous Page
CmdGoToNextPage n Next Page
CmdGoToPage g, Ctrl + G Go to Page...
CmdNavigateBack Alt + Left, Backspace Navigate Back
CmdNavigateForward Alt + Right, Shift + Backspace Navigate Forward

Favorites #

Command IDs Keyboard shortcuts Command Palette
CmdFavoriteAdd Ctrl + B Add Favorite
CmdFavoriteDel Delete Favorite
CmdFavoriteToggle Toggle Favorites

Presentation #

Command IDs Keyboard shortcuts Command Palette
CmdTogglePresentationMode Ctrl + L, Shift + F11, F5 View: Presentation Mode
CmdPresentationBlackBackground . Presentation Black Background
CmdPresentationWhiteBackground w Presentation White Background

Annotations #

Command IDs Keyboard shortcuts Command Palette Notes
CmdCreateAnnotCaret Create Caret Annotation
CmdCreateAnnotCircle Create Circle Annotation
CmdCreateAnnotFileAttachment Create File Attachment Annotation
CmdCreateAnnotFreeText Create Free Text Annotation
CmdCreateAnnotHighlight a, A Create Highlight Annotation
CmdCreateAnnotInk Create Ink Annotation
CmdCreateAnnotLine Create Line Annotation
CmdCreateAnnotLink Create Link Annotation
CmdCreateAnnotPolygon Create Polygon Annotation
CmdCreateAnnotPolyLine Create Poly Line Annotation
CmdCreateAnnotPopup Create Popup Annotation
CmdCreateAnnotRedact Create Redact Annotation
CmdCreateAnnotSquare Create Square Annotation
CmdCreateAnnotSquiggly Create Squiggly Annotation
CmdCreateAnnotStamp Create Stamp Annotation
CmdCreateAnnotStrikeOut Create Strike Out Annotation
CmdCreateAnnotText Create Text Annotation
CmdCreateAnnotUnderline u, U Create Underline Annotation
CmdDeleteAnnotation Delete Delete Annotation
CmdEditAnnotations Edit Annotations
CmdSaveAnnotations Shift + Ctrl + S Save Annotations to existing PDF
CmdSaveAnnotationsNewFile Save Annotations to new PDF ver 3.6+

Zoom #

Command IDs Keyboard shortcuts Command Palette Notes
CmdToggleZoom z Toggle Zoom
CmdZoomActualSize Ctrl + 1 Zoom: Actual Size
CmdZoomCustom Ctrl + Y Zoom: Custom...
CmdZoomFitContent Ctrl + 3 Zoom: Fit Content
CmdZoomFitPage Ctrl + 0 Zoom: Fit Page
CmdZoomFitPageAndSinglePage Zoom: Fit Page and Single Page
CmdZoomFitWidth Ctrl + 2 Zoom: Fit Width
CmdZoomFitWidthAndContinuous Zoom: Fit Width And Continuous
CmdZoomIn Ctrl + Add Zoom In
CmdZoomOut Ctrl + Subtract Zoom Out
CmdZoom100 Zoom: 100%
CmdZoom12_5 Zoom: 12.5%
CmdZoom125 Zoom: 125%
CmdZoom150 Zoom: 150%
CmdZoom1600 Zoom: 1600%
CmdZoom200 Zoom: 200%
CmdZoom25 Zoom: 25%
CmdZoom3200 Zoom: 3200%
CmdZoom400 Zoom: 400%
CmdZoom50 Zoom: 50%
CmdZoom6400 Zoom: 6400%
CmdZoom8_33 Zoom: 8.33%
CmdZoom800 Zoom: 800%

External app #

Command IDs Keyboard shortcuts Command Palette Notes
CmdOpenWithExplorer Open Directory In Explorer ver 3.5+
CmdOpenWithDirectoryOpus Open Directory In Directory Opus ver 3.5+
CmdOpenWithTotalCommander Open Directory In Total Commander ver 3.5+
CmdOpenWithDoubleCommander Open Directory In Double Commander ver 3.5+
CmdOpenWithAcrobat Open in Adobe Acrobat
CmdOpenWithFoxIt Open in Foxit Reader
CmdOpenWithFoxItPhantom Open in Foxit Phantom
CmdOpenWithHtmlHelp Open in Microsoft HTML Help
CmdOpenWithPdfDjvuBookmarker Open in Pdf&Djvu Bookmarker
CmdOpenWithPdfXchange Open in PDF-XChange
CmdOpenWithXpsViewer Open in Microsoft Xps Viewer
CmdTranslateSelectionWithDeepL Translate Selection With DeepL
CmdTranslateSelectionWithGoogle Translate Selection with Google
CmdSearchSelectionWithBing Search Selection with Bing
CmdSearchSelectionWithGoogle Search Selection with Google
CmdSearchSelectionWithWikipedia Search Selection with Wikipedia ver 3.6+
CmdSearchSelectionWithGoogleScholar Search Selection with Goolge Scholar ver 3.6+
CmdSendByEmail Send Document By Email...
CmdInvokeInverseSearch Invoke Inverse Search ver 3.6+

System #

Command IDs Keyboard shortcuts Command Palette
CmdAdvancedOptions Advanced Options (Settings)...
CmdAdvancedSettings Advanced Options (Settings)...
CmdChangeLanguage Change Language...
CmdCheckUpdate Check For Updates
CmdClearHistory Clear History
CmdContributeTranslation Contribute Translation
CmdForgetSelectedDocument Remove Selected Document From History
CmdOptions Options...
CmdShowLog Show Logs

Help #

Command IDs Keyboard shortcuts Command Palette
CmdHelpOpenManual F1 Help: Manual
CmdHelpOpenKeyboardShortcuts Help: Keyboard Shortcuts
CmdHelpAbout Help: About SumatraPDF
CmdHelpOpenManualOnWebsite Help: Manual On Website
CmdHelpVisitWebsite Help: SumatraPDF Website

Debug #

Command IDs Keyboard shortcuts Command Palette
CmdDebugCrashMe Debug: Crash Me
CmdDebugDownloadSymbols Debug: Download Symbols
CmdDebugShowNotif Debug: Show Notification
CmdDebugStartStressTest Debug: Start Stress Test
CmdDebugTestApp Debug: Test App
CmdDebugTogglePredictiveRender Debug: Toggle Predictive Rendering
CmdDebugToggleRtl Debug: Toggle Rtl
CmdNone Do nothing

Deprecated or internal #

Command IDs Keyboard shortcuts Command Palette
CmdDebugCorruptMemory don't use
CmdOpenWithKnownExternalViewerFirst don't use
CmdOpenWithKnownExternalViewerLast don't use
CmdSelectionHandler use SelectionHandlers advanced setting instead
CmdSetTheme don't use
CmdViewWithExternalViewer don't use
CmdSaveAttachment don't use
CmdOpenAttachment don't use

Commands with arguments #

Ver 3.6+: some commands accept arguments which provides more capabilities when creating custom keyboard shortcut.
For example:
Shortcuts [
        Cmd = CmdCreateAnnotHighlight #00ff00 openedit
        Key = a
By default a invokes CmdCreateAnnotHighlight with default yellow color.
You can over-ride a shortcut to creat green (#00ff00) highlight annotation instead and automatically open annotations edit window (openedit boolean argument).
You can create multiple keyboard shortcuts for multiple colors.
Arguments can be: strings, numbers, booleans, colors (#rrggbb or #aarrggbb format).
Arguments have names. For example CmdCreateAnnotHighlight has color argument of type color and optional openedit boolean argument.
The format of providing arguments is: CmdCreateAnnotHighlight color: #fafafa openedit: true.
For boolean arguments name is the same as true value i.e. openedit is the same as openedit: true.
For default arguments you can skip the name. For example: color is a default CmdCreateAnnotHighlight argument so CmdCreateAnnotHighlight #fafafa is the same as CmdCreateAnnotHighlight color: #fafafa
You can combine those rules: CmdCreateAnnotHighlight #fafafa openedit is the same as CmdCreateAnnotHighlight color: #fafafa openedit: true.

CmdScrollUp, CmdScrollDown #

Ver 3.6+
Use case: if you want to speed up scrolling with j, k keys, you can re-assign them:
Shortcuts [
        Cmd = CmdScrollDown 5
        Key = j
        Cmd = CmdScrollUp n: 5
        Key = k

CmdGoToNextPage, CmdGoToPrevPage #

Ver 3.6+
Use case: if you want to go forward, back by more than 1 page

CmdCreateAnnotHighlight and other CmdCreateAnnot* #

Use cases:
Example: change a to create green highlight annotation:
Shortcuts [
        Cmd = CmdCreateAnnotHighlight #00ff00 openedit
        Key = a

CmdZoomCustom #

Ver 3.6+
level can be:
Shortcuts [
        Cmd = CmdZoomCustom 50%
        Key = z

CmdCommandPalette #

Ver 3.6+
Without an argument it defaults to >.
Shortcuts [
        Cmd = CmdCommandPalette #
        Key = Ctrl + h

Debugging #

If a custom shortcut defined in Shortcuts doesn’t work it could be caused by invalid command name or invalid command arguments.
We log information about unsuccessful parsing of a shortcut so check the logs if things don’t work as expected.
